Provision of the Internal Sublayer Service within the MAC Bridge. 在MAC网桥内的内部子层服务的规定。
Circuit Design of RS Sublayer in EPON downlink MII makes it possible to support different media under the MAC Control Sublayer and the Reconciliation Sublayer. EPON下行方向调和子层电路设计它使得在MAC层和协调子层(RS)之下可以支持不同的介质类型。
Since the medium access technology implemented in medium access control ( MAC) sublayer is very important to QoS guarantee, the study of medium access technology in broadband wireless networks is of high significance. MAC层的信道接入技术是提供QoS保证的重要环节,因此研究宽带无线网络MAC层接入技术具有重要的意义。
Secondly, the functional architecture of MAC sublayer is discussed. 其次研究了MAC子层的功能结构。
Analysis of the Ethernet MAC Sublayer 'sFunctions and Discussion of the Ethernet MAC 以太网MAC子层功能分析及安全性探讨
The paper expounds the realizing process of data and voice services in CM system, including the establishments of physical link, medium access control sublayer ( MAC) and transmission convergence sublayer. 重点阐述CM系统中数据和语音业务的实现过程,包括物理链路的建立、媒质访问控制子层(MAC)的建立及传输汇聚子层(TC)的建立。
Design and Verification of 802.11b MAC Sublayer Controller 802.11bMAC子层控制器的设计与验证
This paper reports the network topology, structure of optical node, data path, control of data path sublayer in MAC and data buffering technologies. 本文报告了该实验网络的拓扑、节点结构、数据通道、MAC层的数据通道控制子层以及所使用的光缓存技术。
In addition, a 1:1 link protection mechanism is designed, which needs introduce a link selection sublayer between MAC silent layer and MAC layer ( or optional MAC Control sublayer), and it can provide fast protection for Ethernet WAN through redundant link. 该保护机制是要在MAC客户层和MAC层(或者可选的MAC控制子层)之间引入链路选择子层,通过提供冗余链路的方式为广域以太网提供快速保护。